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Questioning the link between pollution by magnetite particles and Alzheimer’s disease

Magnetite, which is one of the main iron ores, is very stable, even over the geological timescale. However, a scientific studyB. Maher, I. A. M. Ahmed, V. Karloukovski, D. A. MacLaren,…

2018 CNRS Innovation Medals awarded to Valérie Castellani, Thierry Chartier, and Daniel Le Berre

Valérie Castellani A CNRS researcher specialized in developmental biology and affiliated with the Institut NeuroMyoGène (CNRS / INSERM / Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University), Castellani…

A French-South Korean International Joint Unit inaugurated in Seoul

The International Joint Unit (UMI) "Building Blocks for FUture ELectronics", or 2B-FUEL, was inaugurated on October 5, 2018 by Antoine Petit, Chairman and CEO of CNRS, and Professor Wonyong…