International Symposium on Inorganic and Environmental Materials 2023
ISIEM2023 is organized by the Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan (SIMJ), the CNRS, the ENSCM, and the University of Montpellier, France. In 2004, SIMJ organized ISIEM2004 with the Dutch Ceramic Society (Nederlandse Keramische Vereniging / NKV) in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Later, SIMJ co-organized ISIEM2013 at the University of Rennes 1 in France and ISIEM2018 at the University of Ghent in Belgium with their universities. These symposiums were successes, drawing about 250, 300 and 170 participants, respectively. ISIEM 2023 is a successor of ISIEM2004, ISIEM2013, ISIEM2018. We will organize the symposium focusing on the newest research and technologies on inorganic materials related to our topics listed below. We hope that this event will draw participants from many countries, and that it will provide an opportunity for researchers in the fields of inorganic and environmental materials, and nano-materials to gather under one roof and deepen their understanding.